ACEup Sevanam Web PortalAceup mark solutions is a partnership firm registered under Indian partnership act as per firm reg. no : 3497/2014 dated 15/11/2014. It is a unit of a Aceup Village group comprising of online service centers. Aceup Village group has setup number of similar firms to strengthen the Online platform. It includes Akshaya maangangalyam, Akshayaace Training and technical education. The office of the firm is situated at 1ST floor, Anugraha Arcade, Pavamani Road, Calicut- 1 The business of the firm include providing consultancy services in digital signature vending, pan card facilitation centre, marriage consultancies, job consultancies, insurance consultancies and any other consultancy services for a fee, share of fee, commission or brokerage, as franchisees, agents, outlets, business partners or in any other capacity along with other activities incidental to, related to, and connected to the said business and such other business as the partners agree upon from time to time.